The second pillar of Ida’s coaching for non profit organizations: Ida coaches people to set and achieve their goals to work for a non-profit organization or business, with the goal of building leadership skills.

As a newly certified coach, Ida brings the latest in coaching to you. This coach training, with the immense work and volunteer experience and variety of training she has acquired, places Ida in the position to help bring you to the pinnacle of your dreams. Having worked with Boards of Directors and having given her time and talents to many non-profit organizations and having completed projects for 200 + businesses, Ida is very well prepared to lead you to secure fulfilling work with non-profit organizations and businesses. She brings her experience as an employment counsellor working with a variety of clients to the table for you.

Ida also specializes in group coaching for organizations. Bring your questions to Ida about this opportunity.

Ida is a thought leader and can be your Thought Partner. A thought partner is someone who challenges your thinking, causes you to modify or change your paradigms, assumptions or actions. A Thought Partner has a way of thinking that provokes people to innovate or otherwise leads to value creation in an organization.

“Trust is the essence of leadership” states Colin Powell. People trust Ida and Ida operates with the highest level of integrity. Bill Gates once said, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” Empowering others is integral to Ida’s leadership style. Ida can bring out the best in people and you can too. You can trust Ida to bring out the best in you and your organization.



A subset of the second pillar, Ida provides group coaching to non-profit organizations helping people deal with grief. She will share her experience and life learnings with parents who have lost an adult child, as she and her husband lost their son Paul to a Motor Vehicle Accident when he was just 22 years young.

Ida has read 72 books about death and dying and about losing a child. These learnings along with her practical experience and her coaching training and experience puts Ida in a class of her own. Ida was a member of the support group for mothers who have lost a child or children – Mother’s of Angels – for many years and became the go to person in recommending reading material and giving book reviews. Along with coaching, Ida will provide a handout of blogs, reference groups and reference material and how to manage your grief journey. Loss manifests itself in much the same way with the loss of work and the loss of the world as we know it such as being caused by COVID-19 and Ida wants to help you with managing those losses, through the coaching model.