“Ida is a very attentive and intuitive coach with an incredible life of experience to draw upon. With clear thinking and a warm encouraging tone, she is keenly attuned to understanding what sits between the lines.

She challenged me to see a fuller picture of my capabilities.
I think even big dreams can slip into the nooks and crannies and it takes some strong mastery to help unpick and reposition the possible! Ida helped me unblock and build blocks for an improved personal and professional
balanced life.

Of course, it is forever a work in progress!”

Claire-Louise Osmond

Consultant and Entrepreneur

“I have had the honour of working with Ida in a number of capacities, from a volunteer on a board, as a support staff person for her, and most amazingly with Ida as my life coach.

I have been working on my business for a number of years, and having Ida’s infinite wisdom and questioning nature, she encouraged me to take a look at what I was doing, why I was doing it, and how I wanted my business and personal life to look in the future.

Ida’s guidance comes with years of lived experience, reassurance in my own talents, and confidence in my abilities to create the outcome I wanted. I appreciate her kind reminders of where I have been, and firm belief that I can achieve my goals.

Ida’s passionate support has helped me take my business to the next level.”

— Bernice Williams

Growth Facilitator, International Connections and Bernice Williams Consulting